I think we can all agree that is is difficult to cram decades of life experiences into a paragraph but I will do my best. What is it I do? I work in the construction industry designing piping systems for industrial applications such as microchip factories. I ride and repair motorcycles, something I used to do for a living. I just finished installing a re-built transmission in my 96 Mustang not long ago. As for hobbies, I like to sculpt, work at Ren Faires, and these days I am having fun growing some maple trees from seedlings I found in my yard. Music and movies are a big part of my life. I listen to a large variety of music to include punk, metal, ska, reggae, hip-hop, rockabilly, and western (cowboy ballads). What am I looking for? Mostly a person to spend time with and fulfill my intellectual and creative needs. I like to play games (board, card, and video), build picture puzzles, and create artwork. A collaborator in these endeavors and one who has their own would be a dream come true.