

104 - Straight

New York, United States

Feb 21, 2025 23:41

Rumaging through the detritus left by assorted roadside ditches and best forgotten back alleyways stretching into where not even broken dreams would dare go astray in search of something, that elusive something, that spark, that almost imperceptible spark, that spark that might nevertheless grow... and burn it all down to the ground because the only thing worth climbing anymore is below into the sides of the dark of that pit where lone shadows shift and ravenous decay sifts through the remnants of what could have been but never was because today was never good enough till tomorrow took it and walked away...

I might have embraced you if only I hadn't forgotten to look

Over there, wedged in the side of that splinter, is that me... or you.... or something we can almost hear breath...

PS: That ain't my pic (if you don't recognize who that is, btw, shame on you), but he sorta almost looks like me in that one back in the day. Gone incognito for the time being. Some best forgotten vampires lurking in the shadows seeking to lather their well earned loneliness in the sheer awesomeness of my blood aren't all that cute, and I'd rather them not see me.

PPS: I'm older than you. That means somewhat past 19 even. And then some.

PPPS: Break through the shadows

as if you would dare


Diaton Sabaoth

Age: 34 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 45 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 41 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 45 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 27 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 33 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 32 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 21 / bi

New York
United States


Age: 34 / bi

New York
United States


Age: 76 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 36 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 44 / straight

New York
United States