I'm OK, I guess. Kinda shy. Send me a message if you feel like talking to me ["Hi" would do, no need to be fancy].
Good sense of humor, no tolerance for bigotry, racism, s*xism, and stuff alike.
Huge fan of books [of all kinds, mostly fiction/fantasy/sci-fi/horror], videogames [of most kinds, as far as there's a good plot], music [of many kinds, especially (...)rock/(...)metal], anime/manga & everything animated. Open for conversations about politics/religion.
Absolute geek.
RPG player and GM [a while ago... when my friends weren't all married and hadn't plunged out of our fantasy worlds and into real life yet].
Animal activist and vegetarian [not the "I'm gonna bother you about your diet" kind, though].
You may find me on Twitter (@aida_mori) and Instagram (@one_crazy_cat_lady).
I'm most definitely NOT sending you n*des.