I am 31 years old. I am from Puerto Rico (United States Commonwealth). I currently live in Florida.
I have a Bachelor's Degree in Liberal Arts, Modern Languages with Italian as specialization and German as Second Language and I took approximately 4 years of architecture.
I am inclined toward the study of different lifestyles. I don't hold any religion, I've never been satanic. I study Satanism, Thelema, Scientology, Tao, Chaos Magic, Sigil Magic as well as other religions. I like studying what is around me. My experience is that I am inclined towards the dark or unusual. I can't quite define myself; I would have to divide my personality into multiplicity when it comes to that. I might like a Gothic cathedral the same way that I like a Rococo room. I might as well hate the oversaturation of the rococo or the massiveness of a gothic cathedral and prefer a Japanese shrine or La Ville Savoye. It all depends on my mood. My music preferences are varied as well, again with my inclination toward the dark and strange. I am not very liked or understood, I don't care either. My processes are personal and hard to understand. I don't like demagogy. I am not a religious fanatic. I study a lot of subjects that are deemed to be taboo in any religion. If you don't like that you are more than welcome to walk away. "Science is the Method Religion the Aim" (Aleister Crowley). I tend to be against dogma, but religion is protected constitutionally, so people are free to exercise dogma at their own peril, just not with me included if it begins to reach the point of absurdity. I enjoy absurdist philosophy, but I don't practice it (just an internal joke). If you want to know me just talk to me.
I like europe but I am not eurocentric or pan european. Darkness exists in all corners of the world.