Writing Concerts Books
Photo manipulation Brit pop Creativity
Laughing Tea Addicted Vinyl collector
About Me
I'm a published Poet/Novelist/Recording Artist/ Indie Music Journalist
NOT into poly relationships.
My self-summary
To sum me up is a challenge I must say.
I'm kinda the female Boo Radley.
I'm complex and not an easy girl to figure out.
I'm an avid reader,Love surreal art.black and white photography and many other forms of creations and entertainment.
I'm an open book..But I'm more like the Never ending Story than Twilight.
Very liberal, child free..Religion Free!
38 year old self pro-claimed "woman-child" (goofy as hell) So humor is a must!!
.I really would like a friendship to develop into a romance/LTR so please don't be married, into green cards or one night stands.Also be Liberal cos I am..VERY
Looking for a cross between Jarvis c**ker and Jim Morrison with Richey Edwards thrown in ...Is that even possible?...Prolly not.
Well I'm a geeky, book worm,writer,poet,RPer(most only just secondlife.com),Recording artist who is a loner/hermit yet is insanely open and outgoing.
I prefer converse to heels, short bed head hair to long and shiny,indie rock to top 40 rock, short skinny men to tall dark and so-called handsome...Sorry not my type,as i may not be yours, fair enough?
Harry Potter over Twilight, johnny depp to Brad Pitt,Chloe Sevigny to Angelina Jolie, pulp to blur V.S oasis in the 90's britpop craze.Which leads me to say I get along better with those from the U.K cos of my musical taste

i'm interesting, smart, lots of stories and i'm kinda funny in a goofy way

I would like to fall for a guy...Like REALLY fall for him and have it be mutual, it's been YEARS! And I mean be someones girlfriend..To be blunt, IF we click. LOVE short skinny white guys

NO drunks, bible thumpers or rednecks or hunters (despise guns)
I love film, cult TV shows,music and books...ACTUALLY books!
i love stable yet sensitive artistic guys.Though I am a self aware neurotic.
Anyone cool and different out here?
penis and or muscle men will be deleted.
Show me substance, good taste, and a frickin' HEART!
First Date
I prefer to talk quite awhile on the phone/Skype first so I know they are safe and that we have a lot in common. Then when we feel comfortable, I'd like to hangout at my place, watch movies or listen to music and have fun conversation.