

34 - Straight

Iowa, United States

Mar 10, 2018 02:06

-I'm mostly here to chat, and I find the lives that people lead, their experiences, and how these make a person who they are, fascinating.
-I like Philosophy, have pretty set in stone political beliefs I don't follow a party, as most politicians are corrupt. They kinda have to be, because the people paying for their campaigns won't provide funds unless they get kickbacks. in this way, the political system has a gaping, huge flaw.
-I don't use "social media" garbage... I have a facebook I check a couple times a month
-I enjoy romance novels (no, really, there's alot more in the books than people give them credit for) with a focus on historical romances (because every good story should begin with a man who has to storm a castle, capture the lady, struggle through the relationship, and then realize he loves her after her father comes and takes her back... a good hero has to storm the castle to get his lady twice )
-I'm a PC gamer, I play mostly MMo's but I also play a few simulation shooters like world of warships(because the only thing better than blowing a 3,000 ton ship up by shooting the magazine is flooding it with a torpedo)
-I like the OLDER star wars movies and books... I refuse to watch 7-9 because Disney fuked it all up so that people could "relate" to the heros... seriously, the Lea I know and love would NEVER abandon her child(though Han might) and Luke was sposed to train Jason and Jeanna Solo (twins named for Han's parents) and Anekin Solo (named for Lea's dad) as well as their friends, including Lowbacca (Chewie's nephew, think Chewbacca with a lightsaber and a translator droid strapped to his belt, you have Lowbacca)
-Anyways, I also enjoy movies like the Lord of the Rings and Princess Bride (Mel Brooks is funny) and Tim Burton's Clay animations are works of art.
-I also watch alot of Anime. Spawn is amazing, Lady Death was wonderful. I am a fan of Studio Ghibli (any TRUE anime fan should recognize that name) Tenchi, and much more I like anime.
-I was born and raised a Christian, when I was about 14, I saw it as my duty to learn, and read the damned book... this naturally lead me to question how anyone can possibly believe that crap. I spent the next few years studying other religions, and discovered that Islam is the EXACT SAME RELIGION as Christianity for about the first 2/3's of the text, then it splits with Muhammad the prophet who doesn't throw away the old testament parts, and Jesus who was quoted no less than 8 times saying he isn't a god, and yet people still claim he is. I find that Greek myths are more believable than christian mythology, and vastly more entertaining to read about and the Romans and Greeks at least acknowledged that the gods were the same gods, just different names.

I'm a little bit crazy, a wee bit nuts, and a tad bit insane. But I'm still smarter than the presidential morons and the kids who eat tide pods.
I spend my time doing the usual things:
I work to make money, I sleep, and I play video games. After bills and food expenses are paid, I rarely have much left... I'm not rich by any means, but I have plenty of time to spare, and time is more valuable than money. Doctors might make 10-20 times as much as I do, BUT they work 14 hours shifts, 6 days a week, and don't get holidays off. Frankly, they can keep their fancy cars, and I'll stay happy with my '77 nova
My views on marriage is that it is a three ring circus: there is the engagement ring, the wedding ring, and lastly the suffering
this being said, I am not, and have no plans to ever be, married. Marriage means little this day and age, anyways. My loyalty is unwavering as long as my trust isn't betrayed.

one last slightly-important major detail: I have a twin sister... earning my approval is easy, earning hers isn't. My sister and I are close, we spend alot of time together, and while getting along with my mother isn't expected(probably impossible) getting along with my sister is a Must should anyone desire a steady relationship (Note: I have mastered the perfect cooking method for pasta, for all else, she's the better cook, so I often visit her for dinner)



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