hello I am Dan and I am 21 single I have got long dark brown hair and green eyes, i consider my self easy going and i get told alot that i am to nice, have two jobs one with a bouncy castle hire company and the other is with a weather spoons pub, I have a little jackrussel called Gem she is the cutest dog i know ^^, my favoured music is heavy metal \m/ ^.^ \m/ . but I do like other types of music, I am hyper and random and a bit insane (in a good way). I like to play computer games and watching Anime I am currently watching bleach, the one I like most at the moment is FullmetaI alchemist. like horror,fantasy,comedy films I am a bit of a film fanatic I have been told before that I watch too many films
I like hanging out with my friends and PARTY TIME!
and love pizza
I am looking for a relationship and I am looking for friends
if you would like to add me on facebook : larma_boy@hotmail.co . uk
skype : larmab0y
vampirefreaks : larma_boy
note: I see some people saying if you can't spell then don't talk to me. I have dyslexia so sorry I if miss spell my words