On the inside, she is scared but on the outside she shines the best she can. Her eyes are a hazel color that changes and reflect a hurtful past with broken dreams. She has moved on from her past by going to college and starting over with new dreams. She hopes to work with animals one day, either as a vet tech or pet groomer. After that she wants to go into culinary cooking or photography. She shy and childish. She is also outgoing and random. She used to wear a lot of bracelets that once told their own story but now she just wears hair bands and two Team Jacob bracelets that two diff friends gave her with silly bands too. She still goes insane sometimes from stress or drama but that about it. She still has her music to help her out. She used to see a broken reflection, but now she sees a clear future. She doesn't wear alot make-up because it takes the beauty out of things and makes someone not show their true self. She wears it rarely or when taking pics to make eyes pop out.
She can be childish sometimes, but she gets really quite when she is upset.She wont show it but if you get to know her, you will find ways to know.When she gets depressed, you will see her eat ice cream. Her favorite holiday is Halloween

She loves to sing & dance, go out in rain, text people, go on computer, hang out with friends, paint & draw, read, play tennis sometimes,love playing video games, go walking at night, and loves meeting new people
Pain tells we r alive
Music is my life.
Friends are my life savers.
Dreams are my fantasy.
My Reflection is a new future.
Night is my Light