I'm massively into my music, my tastes range from metal to celtic to classical and all sorts! My favourite bands include the likes of Opeth, Black Sabbath, Pantera, Meshuggah and Mastodon. I don't like screamo and the scene type really isn't my thing. Masochists please stay away...
I love good tv/film, favourite shows at the moment are Vikings, Bones, Criminal Minds and The Twilight Zone. My favourite director is Stanley Kubrick, and my favourite film is A Clockwork Orange!
I play the piano and guitar, but piano is my forte shall i say....
I hold great interest in many factual subjects including science, profiling and history...(basically factual stuff of the fictional stuff i watch on tv). I am would say that I am part sapiosexual (attracted to intelligence) so if you do perhaps have a severe deficit of brain cells it is unlikely that we may be able to sustain any kind of conversation which may keep me interested.
I exercise a lot, although i would not call myself a 'health freak'. I enjoy being outdoors and exploring new places. Alternatively, I am almost equally as happy to spend a day indoors watching films, chilling out, eating extremely unhealthy foods and playing games.
I look forward to any messages I may receive on here, happy to answer any questions and get to know some new people!