

39 - Bi

Oregon, United States

Oct 25, 2024 02:40

English, Norsk, Русский, Español, Deutsch, et un petit peu Francais.


Taken, not available. Leaving this profile up here as a case study for public benefit. Long story short, I found what I sought (as did she). There may be hope for you too. At least, the two of us are living, loving proof that efforts on sites like this can genuinely pay off in a big way. If you ever feel awkward with the whole dating site scene, just keep in mind: the producer of keystrokes on the other end is just as awkward, nervous, breathing, caring, crying, laughing sack of lonely flesh as you are. Don't give up.


For Trade: we found this 100-watt bed heater lurking in our basement. It runs on potatoes and wine, emits low-frequency purrs and dry sardonic commentary. Compact, quiet and reliable, has a lot of features, comes with instructions (The Care and Feeding of an INTJ). Doesn't come in a box - couldn't find one that fits, and it seems pretty durable anyway, made of cold-tempered gothium/nerdium alloy. No assembly required and works well enough on its own, but better paired with another one. However, the wiring is all weird and different, idiosyncratic; I guess either yours has to match or you're a really good electrician.

One such deviant wire, apparently the main power supply, is a penchant for the melancholy, macabre, and minor-key. It's the big black one labeled "It wasn't a phase".

Some of the other wiring looks spliced in from something feline:
* Tends to be quiet, observant, reserved.
* Claustrophilic, enjoys small dark warm soft quiet places, in the company of none or one (maybe you?).
* Unherdable. A solitary creature, intelligent enough to cooperate but not wired for obedience or pack mentality. Needs a lot of alone time and mostly does its own thing. However...
* Has a strong pair-bonding instinct that appears to be hard-wired. And loves petting and snuggling, can't get enough.


A few of many interests/likes: chill animals; dark music; machinery (cars and more); languages; wine and various distillates; materialism as a metaphysical perspective; snow and forests; travel (been to 21 countries, lived in 5, lots of stories); intentional community (lived in one for several years, learned much, moved on, lots of stories); androgyny and genderf**k; history, science, and other real knowledge.

A few of many uninterests/dislikes: religion, astrology, and other superstitions; team sports; violence (though guns amuse me); most traditional gender roles and values (don't care for dainty ditzy damsels or brutish boorish oafs); consumerist culture, materlalism as a lifestyle; nationalism, racism, and other birth-rights and -wrongs; humidity.

There are some half-dozen things I was born with that should've killed me. They failed. One consequence is lasting nerve damage (it's not communicable), mostly a tremor in one hand. Another is that I've often been closer and more comfortable with death than most people [semantic ambiguity intended].


Music resonates with one's Unspeakable: what can't be said but on which it's impossible to be silent (Victor Hugo's words). It means a lot for me to share resonant frequencies with another's Unspeakable: dark cold soft hard droney groovy dirgey bleak moody massive deep ephemeral gritty - music that comforts the disturbed and disturbs the comfortable - with a side of silly psychedelic and a healthy appreciation for silence. Dislike most mainstream/top-40/what's-trendy-this-week tunes, would rather listen to nothing.

Heavy reader, but I find science and history vastly more interesting than fantasy and fiction. I appreciate languages, wordplay, reading and writing, and you who are Literature-literate... but beyond Ursula Le Guin, Kurt Vonnegut, Aldous Huxley, and a few miscellaneants, I can't get myself to give a damn about invented stories when there are so many that are no less beautiful, bewildering, brutal, and real. I'd rather read the diary of Anne Frank.

I like the esthetics of horror film, dislike that it's a disservice to all the real horror in the world. I'd rather watch Shtrafbat.


Politically, I'm independent. The balance tends to be leftwards, but I belong neither in the left camp nor the right. I'm averse to anti-intellectualism, slogans, mob mentalities, groupthink, obedient packs, authoritarian institutions of any flag. Beyond a few basics (theism among them), political or other worldview disagreements don't matter in my personal relationships.


I spend a lot of time thinking about:
Positive Disintegration (look it up, then look inside you).
Anthropocentrism (look outside you).
Overpopulation (look around you).
Intentional community and intentional culture.
Relationship theory.
Practical thermodynamics.
Language and its effect on cognition.
Deep ecology.
The Void.


If you find resonance in style and substance... I'm looking for friends. I get along best with socially progressive intellectuals and artists, introvert-aware and fond of the dark.

If you find that, as well as mutual attraction... I'm looking for a long-term life partner. I'm drawn most to medium-built, long-haired, low-voiced, practically competent, tough-mannered creatures who wear boots literally and figuratively.

Messages with substance (or at least from a profile with same) are about guaranteed a reply. Those without, winks, and site friend requests are about guaranteed none. I don't take much stock in first impressions; third or so is where it's at.



Age: 30 / straight

United States


Age: 46 / bi

United States


Age: 21 / straight

United States


Age: 28 / straight

United States


Age: 24 / straight

United States


Age: 23 / straight

United States


Age: 25 / straight

United States


Age: 36 / straight

United States


Age: 47 / straight

United States


Age: 34 / straight

United States


Age: 25 / straight

United States

Sirk Nimrac

Age: 46 / straight

United States