

34 - Straight

New York, United States

Aug 1, 2015 22:00


I'm a sweet and funny guy looking for... WOW! That sounds lame! I'll bet you all my cookies, three movies, and a toy dinosaur you've heard that before! With that being said you should totally message me! No? Not yet?.... Ok fine here's a list of some things I like. If you see something we have in common, it just might be worth it to keep reading my profile (even if you don't I wont hold it against you because I will never know ). OR... or... you could message me right now and save yourself the trouble of reading through my long boring profile... annnnnddddd go ahead and message me... now... no?... now?....... no..... Ok fine here we go then.

I like:
-Movies ("Star Wars", "Lord of the Rings", "The Hobbit", all of the "Ridd**k" movies, "Hunger Games", "Underworld", "Ace Ventura", "Grandmas boy", "Indiana Jones", "Gladiator", "Saving Private Ryan") Those are just a few that I can think of right now, but there are many more.
-Reading (Right now I'm working on the "Mistborn" trilogy by Brandon Sanderson and "Game of Thrones" by George R.R. Martin.)
-Music (I'm a total metalhead!)
-Going to the gym (I try to go as much as I can, which is usually three to four times a week)
-T.V. shows (like "Lost", "Heroes", "Vikings", "Walking Dead", "American Horror Story", "Dr.Who", "Family guy", "That 70s show", "Futurama")
-Cold mornings
-When beautiful women message me
-Bacon (mmmmmm Bacon)
-Long walks
-Road Trips (It's been way too long since I've had a road trip!)
-Video Games (Not because I have no life, but because I choose to have many)
-Tattoos (currently working on turning my left arm into a black and gray sleeve)
-History (big fan of medieval history. No particular era.)
-More bacon

Here are some things I absolutely cannot stand:
-Talking about myself

Well?... Are you going to message me? No not yet? Well you better act fast because the first 10 messages get the "super secret fun prize"!... No? You're just going to keep reading aren't you... Ok FINE! Here's more (V) (;,,, (V) -----Its Zoidburg!!!....... Anyone? Futurama? Yes? No.......) Alright let's continue....

I live by myself, work full-time at an aerospace and automotive factory, pay my own rent, wear shirts that fit, and I love my mom. I have a huge imagination and I can be very creative when I want to be

I'm, currently, working on going back to school. I'll be starting in the fall at MCC. I debated for a while if I should or shouldn't go back because I dropped out the first time around, but I know this time will be different. I went straight to college when I got out of high school and didn't take it seriously because I was young and stupid (Now I'm older and slightly less stupid, so I think I'll do fine ). I'm going to be studying Graphic Design at MCC. After that I want to transfer to a four-year college. I'm not sure which one yet, but I was thinking RIT. After college I'm hoping to start a career in motion graphics or maybe get into the printing industry.

I've always loved fantasy and writing about fantasy. Though I do have to admit I'm not the best in the world when it comes to writing, I do think I have some interesting ideas. I've been writing ever since I learned how to spell. When I was a kid I would pick up a pen and paper and just let my imagination run wild. Right now I'm trying my hand at writing a book. I've had this idea for a long time now. I've started and stopped several times. This time I think I have a good beginning, so hopefully I can keep the story going.

I usually spend my Friday nights getting messages from pretty girls online... Hey what do you know?! You're a pretty girl and you're online right now! Message me!
Or I'm out creating mayhem and shenanigans... Or sitting at home watching Netflix and playing a game.
Well wouldn't you just love to know this last one

So that's me... How about you? You still haven't messaged me... How do I know, you ask? Because you're reading this right now and not messaging me Don't be shy! I would love to hear from you ~Tom


John Noir

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New York
United States


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New York
United States


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New York
United States


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United States


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New York
United States


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New York
United States


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New York
United States


Age: 37 / straight

New York
United States