

35 - Straight

Jersey, United Kingdom

Sep 10, 2019 23:52

Decided to rewrite this as well the last one I wrote wasn't very good so here it goes......

hey welcome to my profile here is a little bit about me..decided to bullet point it so its less boring!!

. I'm in my early 20s.

. I have Cerebal palasy which affects my left side of my body and other things of my daily life i can walk fine with a stick but not very far but i can still drive and have fun.

. I have been to download four times and sonisphere uk twice.
. l love metal and rock from motley crue to rammstein.
. I love going to the gym doing weights an cardio even though i don't look like the gym type i do like to get in and have a go.
. I love swimming
. I would one day like to travel the world and meet new people don't like the sound of living my whole life in jersey but if the right person came along i may.
. I have one tattoo on my wrist and i am in the process of getting more ink done.

well that's my life in bullet points if that hasn't bored you why not message me and see where it takes you



Age: 40 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 53 / straight

United Kingdom

80's Metal Kid

Age: 36 / straight

United Kingdom