

31 - Bi

Ohio, United States

May 27, 2015 02:40

I love metal, rock, punk, classical. I dont like country or rap. I love all things art in general. Just ask me anything, as long as you talk in complete sentences and a non ghetto tone. I do not like ghetto that s**t is overrated. Normal is overrated its boring lol who likes normal not this girl
I love playing any game console I have played most consoles before but I have right now is Xbox 360 and PS2 yes I have a Xbox Gold: TORIISENBART93

-all game consoles but i love arcade games the most -favorite game is tied between: HALO and MORTAL KOMBAT (original)

My likes: -gaming -talking to people -playing bass guiatr -singer/screamer -peace -art: drawimg and painting mainly............ Love anime, people who are themselves, people who are nice to me lol -tattoos, piercings -"Bludgeoned to Death"- Suicide Silence IS MY FAVORITE SONG IN THE ENTIRE WORLD - love being nice to people if they are nice back . -Hello Kitty -respect -people that skateboard -syfy and fantasy stuff -nerdy and geeky -chemistry -star wars -music DISLIKES: -homophobes -racist people
Someone who has the same interests and LOVES METAL MUSIC

What I listen to: Pig Destroyer. Make Them Suffer. OLD Hawthorne Heights. Eternal Void. Within The Ruins. After the Burial. The Amity Affliction. Oceano. As I lay Dying. Like Moths to Flames. All That Remains. Incubus. Aegeaon. Mayday Parade. The Devil Wears Prada. Pierce The Veil. Beartooth. The Holy Guile. Arcane Haven. Born of Osiris. iwresltedabearonce. I Declare War. As They Burn Alive. Vanna. The Crimson Armada. A Day To Remember. August Burns Red. Attila. Escape the Fate. Abandon All Ships. Asking Alexandria. The Agonist. Canibal Corpse. Nevermore. Green Day. Rise Against. Rage Against The Machine. I See Stars. Attack Attack. Blessthefall. Oh the Irony. Chelsea Grin. Grim State. Hail to the King. Graveworm. Miss May I. Memphis May Fire. When the Sky Burns. Rammstein. The Gazette. Skrillex. Skip the Foreplay. Suicide Silence. Veil of Maya. Avril Levigne. Sarah Brightman. Skrillex. Loreana Mckennit. Jungle Rot. Cannibal Corpse. Necrodeath. Whitechapel. The doors. Led Zeppelin. Slayer. Ozzy. Pantera. System of a Down. Stone Temple Pilots. Kiss. The Dead Kennedys. The Dead Milkmen. Metallica. Winds of Plague. Boston. Pat Benatar. The Beatles. Elton John. Simon and Garfunkel.Amon Amarth. Dethklok. The Pen and the Pendulum. Nirvana. The Ramones. NOFX. Black Flag. Fishbone. Misfits. Bring Me the Horizon. The Beatles. Linkin Park. Guns n Roses. Nine Inch
Nails. The Scorpions ..the list goes on forever
Ideal date:
-Concerts (metal shows)
-Video Games
-Food lol
-Just hanging out

Favorite shows/movies: Regular show. Fairly oddparents. Invader zim. Rugrats. Angry Beavers. Grim adventures of Billy and Mandy. Fosters home for imaginary friends. Dracula. Trueblood. Almost human. Game of thrones. The borgias. Deadliest warrior. Scare tactics. Sleepy hallow. N.c.i.s. Bones. Brooklyn 9-9. FaceOff. Fangasm. Monsterman. Rupaul s drag race. Transformers from the 80s. Voltron from the 80s. He-man. The justice league of America. Batman. Superman. Green lantern animated series. The avengers. Star Trek. Star Wars. Harry Potter. Interview with the Vampire. The mummy trilogy. The muppets. Labyrinth. The dark crystal. TMNT.. Ghostbusters. Thundercats. And so much more



Age: 35 / bi

United States


Age: 42 / straight

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Age: 31 / straight

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Age: 36 / straight

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Age: 40 / straight

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Age: 23 / straight

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Age: 29 / straight

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Age: 19 / straight

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Age: 19 / straight

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Age: 22 / bi

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Age: 29 / bi

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Age: 29 / bi

United States