Non-mainstream tastes and outlook, very open-minded, frequent user of hyphens and parenthetical statements.
I'm nice, intelligent, funny, and weird (in a good way) and am looking for like-minded women to hang with / date / who knows. Music is my biggest thing, and I enjoy many genres but rarely anything popular or mainstream (sound familiar?), with a large focus on many styles of electronic music. I am also in the process of producing/creating original music and getting back in to DJing, writing, and tons of other fun stuff.
I also am a huge movie lover and it would be great to watch them (including foreign, indie, classics, and other non-Hollywood fare) with someone and be able to have an engaging conversation about said films afterwards. Also I am a tremendous horror fan with broad and deep tastes in the genre, but a loathing for things like "Saw" and other recent popular horror films that to me feel really contrived, gimmicky, and stale.
Beyond that: food, wine, travel, talking, bars, clubs, concerts, art, animation, technology, computers, games (video and traditional), pets/animals, and now that I finally got glasses, hopefully reading again. Loads more too - ask me anything I know this is a pretty basic profile but I just signed up and hate trying to give an adequate portrayal of myself in so few words. But stay tuned - I'll work on it.