I am a bit of geek and like all things geeky, also I am a bit like a magpie and am easily distracted by all things shiny.
I guess I am quite arty, but not in a drawing sense, I love creating my own music and being an amateur film critic.. Much to my friends annoyance... I play all sorts of instruments mostly with strings and have a general love of music. I am not a fan of genres and tend to like bands that defined a sound, style or have something unique about them. But if I had to I would say, rock, metal and folk figure heavily in my tastes. This makes me sound very pretentious
Being a bit of a geek I do like fantasy and Sci-fi books, but again I do like all sorts it depends on how good it is really. Discworld, Star wars, Dune, 28 Days later, The walking dead, Bernard Cornwell are all key words for me..
I like to game and love hiking in the Lake District / other mountainous areas.. This does involve camping in all sorts of weather