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Me and the inner beast
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Forsaken Marine
Oct 18, 2011 08:01
hahaha your just jelous sorry im not fat and disgusting...
Forsaken Marine
Oct 18, 2011 22:33
haha i may lack facial hair but my face is not lumpy, its what it looks like when i make a stupid face on a mirror glare on a s**tty camera phone, and i am veiny because im a f**king beast
Bass Head 420
Oct 24, 2011 15:16
Do you really have nothing better to do then try and degrade someone. If you have nothing nice to say then don't open ur face hole. There are plenty of thing everyone could hate on you for, but were not. You look like your 35 so grow the f**k up. PS I think you're a cutie don't listen to this dumb "boy" he's just a hater.
Oct 25, 2011 09:15
Hey there devil nice abs but i think the problem with the photo is the look of constipation stricken in your face, maybe less forcing and more natural beauty. Semper Fi
Forsaken Marine
Oct 27, 2011 20:29
Thanks killer, .Rahh
Forsaken Marine
Jan 24, 2012 22:41
hahaha i love all the haters, f**king talk s**t when you have a body like mine, and girls love my face ^_^

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