
Níðhöggr is coming for you allPhoto AlbumsRandom Assortment Contact etc

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Remember before messaging me on one of these contacts please read these two links. However, more importantly. Have some manners. I will not marry you and I will not date you the first message. If you message me about this I will block you and report you. Same thing with calling me your prince. No just end the pain and stop and learn mannerism. Also for people wondering about that screenshot of that dude I don't know him or his name. I was going to make a secondary shot of him telling me he thinks I'm his ex Nikki but he kept typing so I had no choice but to give a quick block. As you can tell by his selfie-shot crack don't smoke itself. Also don't inbox me this either with the title of ''marriage'' no as I said again please end the pain. Also I don't mind if you ask about how my son is doing a.k.a. my young prince but I will not disclose his name or any personal information or as you read in my profile. I will not post a photograph of my son on Instagram so don't ask. Anyways here are the links you must read and good day.

Anime related things.

Add me on Google Hangouts. Also for weird stalkers that have been lurking @ me this is a fake Email. So don't do anything stupid or foolish. Meaning that I've installed a fake birthday and name and this is a non family communicative Email meaning you would be wasting your time hacking this Email because there is zero family contacts on here. So good day.
Also I just notice this photo I added way too much hair oil for my hair whoops. I don't have gray hair and I do take great care of my hair so whoops! However a friendly reminder. I don't send messages out and if you want you can message me. I will not message you. I don't like to bother people and I don't feel like playing messenger tag everyday and I don't have the time or will or energy strength anyways. If this is a issue then don't even bother reading the two links. Also let me know who the f-u-c-k you're because saying you're from Alt Scene won't do any good I need a selfie or you or something as I will and I refuse to log in to see who you're from here. What a waste of my time. However on one final paw-verdict - let me know if you read my two links or if you plan on reading them when you've the free time which is okay and acceptable by me. Good day.

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