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Oct 25, 2013 20:50
You are doing supremely well for a 73 year old! Whats your secret? (If its placed here, its not so secret a secret).
Oct 26, 2013 03:31
I just put the oldest year possible and if people really want to know they can ask. Found the number seems to scare some off, rather than finding out for themselves in person (not much 'Hooking Up" so far).

Obviously they (including your good self) have to get past the replying to my eloquent/witty/charming initial message to start...
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Oct 26, 2013 03:40

How very true. I shall endeavour to reply to thine message. I too was 73 at one point (on my profile). I did it as a joke. I didn't scare humans away when I placed 32, 73, then back to 32. It could be a hidden quality you have. The power to charm, cast spells, or teleport. They know...They knowww...Whoever they are. As you can see, I am the master rambler. Hope I didn't scare you with my randomness. (Looking as angelic as possible.).
Nov 1, 2020 23:55
Do you believe in Past lives ?

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