
Nostalgic stuff???

Nostalgic stuff???

Mjauw Created Aug 30, 2024 10:58

What's a thing you had in the past,
A toy or a garment or any other thing That you no longer own but have never stopped thinking about and want to own again


This topic has 22 comments


Aug 30, 2024 12:52

Happiness... (Dah Dom Dom Tssssssst)

Maybe a coffin, my ex's one from my early 20s was awesome ... apart from the tacky pentagram.

PVC kilted ****** jeans, most the modern ones I find easily available are trash compared to what you could get a decade or two ago, I should just get some tailored...

Numerous and expensive sets of stemware for different c**ktails, beverages etc for the home bar that my idiot flatmate broke over the years.

This could go on for far too long...

Even more so if we include pets...


Aug 30, 2024 13:49

My splicer mask, i always come back to it one time or another and go omfg i had that and now i don't because i accidentally left it on a table and it went instantly missing. Also all my crow merch, i hate my ex for breaking it.

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 30, 2024 14:32

My Tripp pants from high school lol. I feel too old to really wear those anymore, but I always wondered what happened to them. I didn't get to wear them in college because they disappeared sometime senior year of high school


Aug 30, 2024 14:57


The fact that c0cktails are censured
C'mon altscene

But yes with pvc garments it it a huge difference in quality!!!!!! Things from today dies after 2 or 3 washes.... some things were better before


Aug 30, 2024 14:59


Your ex destroyed your collectors stuff?! Was it an accident or on purpose D: ?


Aug 30, 2024 15:01


Pft to old? That's just silly, you could pull that off,
I wear pants like that all the time the most comfy type of pants ever hahah
But yes pricey at and now they are back in fashion so can't even snatch them for cheap in the secondhand stores anymore


Aug 30, 2024 15:06

On purpose sadly. I kinda said could you not but, a woman scorned as it was. Impossible to get now... Oh wells. She still has all her first edition harry potter books i brought her i'm sure.... lol


Aug 30, 2024 15:45

A philosophy book I bought in Ireland in 2010 when I was 30.
I lent it to my cousin, she was studying some philosophy in high school. She apparently lost it. I never got it back.

I'm sure I could find it online, but that wasn't the point. I bought it on my travels,bin a cute little Dublin book shop.

These family members are notorious for not returning things & respecting others things. So that don't get to lend anything off me anymore, if they ever ask again. I'll have no problem telling them why.


Aug 30, 2024 16:58

My blanket and my Millennium Falcon. Parents insisted I was too old for both. Boooo!


Aug 30, 2024 18:54


Oh no I completely understand the feeling of "even if it gets replaced it's not the same thing cuz it does not hold the memories of the action it self"


Aug 30, 2024 18:57


Pft, never to old for things that bring joy imo.
Parents can be way to dried up when it comes to that, they should look at the whole picture, if you are normal and functioning to the best of your abilities then having comfort items are not an impediment. Plus arnt parents nutritious for keeping memorabilia from their kids To bad you could not keep them.


Aug 31, 2024 00:09

My pet monster teddy I miss him so much they were awesome.


Aug 31, 2024 00:34

My grandpa shotgun, it was stolen when I brought it to a gunsmith to get some rust removed, and my bunny ears they went missing today 😭😭

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Aug 31, 2024 23:10

disney pez dispensers or those flintstone vitamins. theres also an old chewing gum from my country i miss which name i no longer remember. that or the old recipe for kfc mashed potatoes i had as a kid that may or may not be regional now that i think about it. those and having less traffic.


Sep 1, 2024 00:58

A small toy bootleg lego minifig that was all one solid piece . It could still move it's arms and legs and turn it's head but you couldn't take any parts off . Thankfully it had stud holes on the bottom so it could still fit with my legos. It was very androgynous and had these two black eyes and a mouth that looked like a basic :| . I loved it a lot and took it everywhere and made a little lunchbox their secret base. It was so f**king basic and plain but it for some reason really boosted my imagination.
I went on a date with someone a long time ago and she saw it in my pencil case when we were at a park and asked about it . I told her it was a really old toy I kept , she threw it far and said I was too old for toys. I packed up my bag and ran looking for it. I never found it. I cried a lot , actually got on my knees crying knowing I lost it. It sounds dumb to cry over a small toy like that , but to me it was special , I used to imagine giving it to my kid if I ever had one and tell them about our cool adventures "and now this toy is yours ! " but that dream died . I never found it on ebay or on any toy sites . Every once in a while I'll Google it and try to describe it but no luck. I hope some other kid found it and had fun.
Dumb story about a small minifig lol


Sep 1, 2024 02:26

I sold my SNES to a friend way before they were retro. He never owned any video games and I had an N64 at the time. It's been sitting in his parents loft for many years now and I really want to buy it back. I think about it often.


Sep 1, 2024 02:46

That honestly reminds me that constable bulldog is still in a wall in my first house.. I popped him in and my father fixed the hole in the wall... Sadly we had to sell the house, so potentially its still in there. I think of it often. a brand new piece of 1980's lego.... Curious to think of that little time capsule again.


Sep 2, 2024 09:04

What sort of monster was it? I remember that there were a couple of brands back in the day haha or was it home made ???


Sep 2, 2024 09:05

Wtf stolen? That's just s**t how sad.
It's both a valuable thing in affectionate and monetary value.
I got my grandmother's wedding ring stolen. So get that disappointment .


Sep 2, 2024 09:07

Omg yes old pez


Sep 2, 2024 09:11


Oh that's a really s**tty date. How rude!!!! And I understand the thing about having very plain looking things be the favourite.
Somehow the do tend to do exactly that, peak the imagination


Sep 2, 2024 20:24

I'm sorry about the wedding ring people are evil


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