
What's your favorite alternative style? And why?!

What's your favorite alternative style? And why?!

BarbieScarlett666 Created Aug 11, 2024 05:39

Growing up during the 2000s make me having a debate between mall goth, scene kid or emo.....

Mall goth is so inspiring.... I miss going at the mall and seeing those goth people it was a great time....

Scene kid is so fun and includes a bunch of things I'm into... like neon clothes and a style between so fun...

Emo is what bring me to the scene....
Even though I was already raised in it by my punk rock sister.


This topic has 32 comments


Aug 12, 2024 04:42

I have to say, 84-93? Those were good alt years, although it was called "new wave" back then.


Aug 12, 2024 04:46

Why? Just the atmosphere of the city, Greenwich village, CBGB's, it represented a mild, confused yet justified angst, without a call for violence or rebellion.


Aug 12, 2024 10:35

I'm a 70's kid and grew up with the original goths, lived one town up from Pete Murphy so saw Bauhaus loads.

I have recently returned to wearing quite flamboyant and sometimes inappropriate outfits of an alternative goth style, no longer caring what impression it casts, I'm enjoying my style again!


Aug 12, 2024 12:42

When I can get away with it a I love mixing historical items and references into my outfits and where possible go for a hybridized mix of the late Baroque/Rococo period and pvc ***** wear, a goth/fop rock cross over.
So the cult, the damned, Adam Ant, Suspiria etc.

When that's "too costumie" I have a wardrobe that scales from slightly eccentric work clothing "corporate goth" I suppose but continues to scale for outings with a dark little mix of over exaggerated "formal gentleman" wear and minor inspiration taken from the historical gentry and aristocracy of the late 19th to early 20th century.
I suppose Rome Burns, Lacrimosa maybe a little Deine Lakien.


Aug 12, 2024 12:49

It isn't something that I'd really think about
until you said it, but my personal style could
be described as being strongly influenced by
'Casual' Goth fashion.

I just blend 'comfy' with my interests.
Typically throwing on an oversized hoodie,
along with the inclusion of thin, lightweight
materials such as: solid black lounge bottoms,
canvas shoes, or those dreadful 'Goth' crocs.

If it's not black, then it's one of those
awesome tie-dye hoodies that my
favorite bands have been throwing
on their merchstore(s) lately.

I prefer not label myself. I am
just very fond of the color black.

All-black outfits are mesmerizing to me.
They always look good, and I keep mine
minimalist, simplistic & above-all-else,

Besides, I really don't care for the majority of Goth
music that I've heard so far, (The Cure, Joy Division, Siouxie, Christian Death, etc.) or various aspects of their
culture, so I would never refer to myself as Goth.

I just prefer to enjoy different variations
of Alternative music, honestly.

Daddy Gru

Aug 12, 2024 22:48

The SuicideGirl aesthetic, i.e., lots of tattoos, piercings, colorful hair, and optional clothing.

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 16, 2024 15:44

Punk. Because Brody Armstrong was s*xier than f**k in '02 when I was 17. Still is tbh.


Aug 17, 2024 01:43

Mine right now is matrix style cause coat and corpo look. But would love to go post apoc... WWIII anyone?


Aug 17, 2024 02:09

I'm so sick diarrhea.


Aug 17, 2024 02:09

Thanks Mexico...


Aug 17, 2024 02:15

Oh yeah, edgelord, f**king so f**kin edgey... edge.


Aug 18, 2024 15:30

I relate to the memes, where you hang all your back clothes on the line, & you only put a black load of washing on. I'm mostly found in black pair of jeans & a band tshirt of some kind, either metal, or darkwave band , during the day.

When I go out, for example I'll where dresses, skirts etc.. I went to birthday event this weekend. I actually wore a 1800s style regency black dress with my ankh earrings, my style is a mixture of metal & goth.


Aug 18, 2024 15:32

Depends on the event


Aug 19, 2024 03:19

I always had a soft spot for industrial and cybergoth but as a normal adult i can't be basing my image on that. lol


Aug 19, 2024 04:16

Also to add, I diy my band shirts in a way. I usually buy the merchandise when I go to there concert, get smallish sizes & feminize them, I make them shorter on the waist & shorten the sleaves, & make the neckline a v cut, scoop or square.


Aug 20, 2024 05:01

I like vampire goth style, its what fits me the best


Aug 20, 2024 05:12

Musn't... speak... must hold in... musn't.... OMG....

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 20, 2024 19:39

Scene and emo, goth is a close second


Aug 20, 2024 22:33

Fűck your favorite whatever the fűck this is a about.

I hated being labeled when progressive/alt music became popular and I hate it now.

Daddy Gru

Aug 20, 2024 22:46

Get ‘em, Trish.


Aug 21, 2024 02:36

@trish Agree to some extent, mind you Op is talking about style, op probably doesn't even listen to the music.

It's hilarious people are calling themselves mall goth in style. Mall goths in the 90s didn't call themselves mall goths, they didn't know they were mall goths, it was used kind of as a derogatory term by goths, that knew you had to listen to goth music to be part of the scene, it was actually more about the music then the aestetics.

Mall goths were wearing korn shirts, which is metal not goth, Marilyn manson which is shock rock not goth.

I don't really give a s**t. I'm just being technical. I find people actually calling themselves mall goths amusing. Also goths diy there clothes a lot, they didn't really shop at malls.

I just find it amusing & laugh when people call themselves this term, 🤭 but a lot of baby bats start out that way.

@neon wasn't scene a style or aestetics, it didn't really come with a music genre? I'm curious, that's what I've read.


Aug 21, 2024 02:41

Oh don't forget crow goth poppet. I used to get called that cause the movie was a thing. Hot topic was a thing once also, now..
Its kinda being pointed out being "goth" or alt is just mainstream now.. Which is a touch sad.


Aug 21, 2024 02:55

Malkieaveilian yes it's mostly sad.

If it's just a trend, it will pass & those people will go & move on to the next trend. Otherwise it might spark real interest in some, they'll learn & stick around.

I'm sure we were both trying & clueless, when we were like 13. If hot topic was a thing here, we might of been there, when we started out.

The internet makes it easier, & more difficult now, early days you had to kind of have mentors & be part of the community to learn, it was a long process. Now people just google search stuff, & get a lot of misinformation.

Oh yes Malkieaveilian you started out as one of those crow boys. Hehe 🤪🤭


Aug 21, 2024 03:01

Well that was the funny, back AT highschool, goth in MY school was barely even known, much as the internet, i could count on 1 hand the number of people including myself, that either KNEW of it or were apart. ONE awful girl tried to tell me... "wait for it" goth people have to BEAT you "gang style" to initiate you into it... I laughed SO hard.

I did get online to learn some facts about goth when the internet was a baby, it was almost a kinder place, people also made their own websites... how i miss geocities.
Also that was mean! i was totes goth then had my emo phase after! but i really did love the crow. I'm crying internally hehe. But its kinda sad, i miss the old... "code" one could say, like 20 years ago you'd see a fellow dark sider, smile and just give a knowing "HEY YOU" and people were friendly as, feels like that kinda died. I try to keep that going, see baby bat give heart and say omg i you look awesome, has made peoples day.


Aug 21, 2024 03:15

Beat you gang style, 🤭hehe the imagery.

Yep giving love is best, could be future community members, we all started out lost lol

Oh I really miss early internet too. I use to go to the library at lunch jump on chat, talk to people across the world with no face. Dont miss dial up. Lol


Aug 21, 2024 03:52

Yep i remember Sophie and that sad story, people tried to do that to me also, but amusingly i had a friend who had a mad ultra violence streak when it happened, some lads found us, and they got rekt..
But my wholesome story is how an entire area knew me as Professor snape, amusingly that granted me some epic protection, i could tell you some bats**t stories about islanders showing up to my house cause professor snape was getting abused... omg lol


Aug 21, 2024 05:03

I think you got muddled with threads, but story/ experience noted.

I didn't really get physically attacked, but lots of name calling & stupid comments, were thrown our way, when I say our way, my friends & I.

I remember going to a goth boutique called morticia 's in Melbourne, early 90s, my friend & I bought some black & dark blue lipstick, black & blue lipstick was available no where during that time, accept specifically goth places, that were usually hidden down alley ways. Anyway we hopped on the bus, 13yrs old happy about our new discovery, wearing it proudly, kids at the back of the bus tore into us, something chronic, but I wore it like a badge of honour. I wasn't like them. Lol


Aug 21, 2024 05:36

I thought that one was in the wrong spot?


Aug 21, 2024 06:11

I've done this before 🤭


Aug 21, 2024 06:31

Is this the online version of steer a conversation?


Aug 21, 2024 23:48

I just mix them all together and see what I've got 🤣


Aug 22, 2024 16:04

I think mall goth has been my fav, I always liked ripped jeans, tripp pants, and band tees.


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