🔰25 years old.
🔰6'0" in height
🔰155" in weight.
🔰Animal lover.
🔰Thunderstorms scare the be-jibbers out of me. .-.
🔰Anime is life. (Naruto, Attack on titan, bleach, one piece, soul eater, dragon ball z, sword art online, Pokemon, yu-gi-oh, ect)
🔰Love pandas.
🔰I am Native American (1/2 Hopi and Navajo).
🔰I am very outgoing and a kind person that just loves to laugh.
🔰Don't judge me on my appearance. :/
🔰Treat me how you want to be treated.
🔰I am an average person who loves to play around and tell jokes.
🔰I am an AM skateboarder and I'm willing to go pro in the next few years.
best skater in my town, and working on a skate video right now.
🔰 I play on xbox live.
. My gamer tag: benbubbles360.
🔰My favorite food is pizza, and the colors are aqua, synergy green, and purple. ^^
🔰im currently taking mechanic classes towards master mechanic and then performance builder/professional drifter. 😊
Mesa, Az. 85204
Skype: benson.bubbles
Facebook: benson bubbles
MySpace: Benson Bubbles
Any other questions?
Message me.