Not much to say really, I'd say I'm a pretty average guy, I'm 23 work full time in a boring-ass office job! Living in my own place which is great an all! But gets somewhat lonely sometimes. I do have a cat called Mew, she's the cutest thing ever, I adore her :3
Looking for people to meet, could do with some new friends in my life. Really hating being single now, oh well!

I've been through college and uni and I'm educated to degree level, always focused on my work more than relationships so I'm feeling like I've missed out, haha! All of the usual hobbies really, I play kendama, like nights out/in, I'm a complete nerd so my place is decorated with anything marvel, dc, sonic!
I love everything zombies, sonic or geek! I'm always wearing a hat! And my facebook is https://www.facebook.com/james.bartowski
Feel free to add me if you fancy a chat!
Ciao :3