I am originally from up North. (Sunderland, UK. And I would have argued it is not as bad as people think but last time I was there my purse got knicked within 2 minutes of leaving the bank so I would be lying).
Please for the love of God add me on one of these if you want to talk properly, this site is like pulling teeth. With a string attached to a doorknob. The best method is wechat (China blocks a lot of websites).
Wechat: carrie_baird
Message for whatsapp/kik
Instagram: carriejagerbaird
Snapchat: carriejager
Psn: carriejagerbaird
Twitter :jagerbaird
While we are on with this, please do not ask me for pictures. I did not upload a load of photos for no apparent reason. I don't even get dressed if I don't have to so you're sure as s**t out of luck with that one.
I'm an all or nothing person, i do things in extremes. I thoroughly like a drink or 20 amongst other substances. Having said that i respect people's lifestyle choices. Good luck with anyone trying to change my views so I give the same respect back.
I did a degree in History of Art and English, it was really interesting but due to the fact everyone now has to be 'equal' in this country they let complete morons go to university now, so my degree essentially means very little realistically. I have just moved to China so I can utilise it, travel and pursue my dreams. I’m teaching at a vocational school and I love it. It’s so rewarding and the pupils are amazing.
I am a cat lady - I have a cat called Nigel who is now living with my dad in the UK. I originally had 2, but Thornberry passed recently. I cried. Animals are more loyal than most humans ever will be.
I am incredibly stubborn and most of the time it is my way or the highway. I do give good advice, I just don't take anyone elses and keep making stupid mistakes until I eventually realise I am a moron. However, you have to learn from mistakes. I have been through a fair amount of s**t but all the interesting people have (there aren't many), blah blah yada yada I really hate these description things, you either come off sounding boring as sin or that you think you're f**king well cool.
Stuff I like:
- jager
- japan
- travelling
- pokemon
- swearing
- alcohol
- smoking
- ancient Egypt
- aliens
- books
- music
- art
- historical houses and landscape s**t
- history
- anime (deathnote

- veganism
- incense/candles
- leopard-print
- lord of the rings
- drawing
- ebay
- horror films
- cats
- body modification
- ps4