I'm just back from 6 months in Asia and I decided to give this a try...eeek
My most important characteristic is that I'm crap at writing profiles. I believe it's genetic. I'm "quite" geeky, please notice the quotation marks. I'm mainly into Fantasy but I like Sci-fi too. My favourite activities are reading, gaming, watching stuff and procrastinating in general but at the same time I love traveling and seeing new places. I'm planning to go backpacking again for a while in the next few years, and I get away to travel around Europe -festivals, short breaks or parties- as much as I can. I used to be really into manga/anime and that time has passed but I still enjoy getting creative with a sewing machine.
I've been into the Goth subculture for the last 15 years (see, mum, it wasn't a phase!) but lately, due to my old age and lazy nature I prefer to go around with black jeans and a t-shirt (I spent the last six months in sandals and shorts...).
I'm a restaurant manager but I have a degree in Sculpture from UAL. Catering and Arts go hand in hand, (sadly) as usual. I'm a lovely human being even if I've been heard saying that Cersei Lannister is my role model. I don't have brothers though! And I don't know what else to say, please insert some elvator music here while I think.