1.) I'm a Taurus-Rising Scorpio in the Moon of Aries. If you know what that means, then i would absolutely love to chat with you.
2.) Drugs are a double hell-no.
3.) I do the gym thing ( not a habbit... but a lifestyle!)
Haha, I do tend to read quite a bit, especially left-hand ideology. I've always had deep interest in the Occult, everything that encompasses it. I invest time towards self and worldly knowledge. I'm opposed to nothing, always willing to "broaden my horizons". I try to not miss the "beauty of the Forest for a few ugly trees."
I am a devoted metal head, nothing or no one will never change that. \m/ Black metal \m/, Though I cut my long hair years ago. I have many qualities which range from all ends of the spectrums. I used to think that I could never settle on just one path, but I've found that a multitude of ideas bring a roundness of character into fruition. Eh, thats just how i see it .
Open-mindedness is a must.
I absolutely believe that opposites attract. Because obviously.. I'm a man, and you're a woman. There's the icebreaker. ha ha.
Oh yeah, my nipples are pierced. Lol. Look, there's only one way to know someone....and that's to experience them. After all, mans intellect only goes as far as their experince. So lets have a new experience. Obviously theres much more to me than I could begin to explain. As with you, we're just ships in the sea.