I am down to earth, if you are reasonable and respectful we will get on a treat, if not, sorry, life is too short.
Don't watch football, or really any sport for that matter, too busy with other projects.
Not an academic with 5 doctorates, school of life some say, but learning as we go.
Like to see the world, money pending.
I love music and collecting records.
Been playing drums for 16 years, have a home studio, loads of hardware, and spend a lot of time making noise.
Learning guitar and bass, harmonica and keys. I like to sing too.
In a couple of bands, not going into detail on that one.
M U S I C A L - P R E F E R E N C E
Big old punk at heart, love my reggae too and the ocean that is electronic music.
Lots of anything, and pretty much everything else other than mainstream spoon fed pop (unless that happens to be the order of the day.)
So that's me...