My name is josetta I'am a parent. Im currently working and in the prosess of Earning my Associate Degree as a Veterinary Technician.I love my Family to death. Writing is my passion, Laughing and music are important as well. It bothers me when people call me shy, because as much as I try to be outgoing, it doesn't work. For some reason I want to grow up as soon as I can and have always been that way. I am obsessed with the stars and the ocean. I am a dreamer with my head in the clouds and feet on the ground. By the way, I don't call myself a pessimist, but rather, a realist. Large crowds make me nervous. I love the arts. I have a never-ending passion for acting. I want to learn how to paint. Goal: Save the world. I would love to travel the world someday.. Oh, and yes, I am aware my page is simple&boring. Lets talk