hey, I'm a rocker I guess.. well not really but I do love music and mostly rock. yup and would like to find someone like-minded, relaxed with a great sense of humor!
hm. I'll add on to more of my interests... as alil update to what has been a very brief about me aha: air guitar, all-niters, burning stuff, clamato, concerts, dancin' myself silly to Buckcherry, Aerosmith, & Gn'R, d**k and fart jokes, drinking, snorting, smoking eyes.. j/k... well sorta haha, final fantasy, f**king it up going crazy, goin' on goonie adventures, gigs, headbanging, hangin' out, music, nachos, nerds candy, poetry, singin', soda, wonka candy, writin' lyrics, ect.