so, yeah
it's us...again

right, so what's the deal?
well, since you asked so damn nicely

we deleted our accounts ages ago, but we were thinking, and really
I personally made a LOT of really cool peepz on here that became life long friends
...well, they woulda been if i'da given em my e-mail before deleting

so yeah, whats new, um
me and matt are now married! yup that's right, we bit the bullet

now we're living in brum with matt's dad, so now. a bit about me, the awesome and amazeing golden goddess/author of this blog-me!!
torrie (me) um, i'm 20 years old, ALMOAST 21 aahhhh lol, i'm 5ft 3-no im not small, im perfect

weigh in at around-none of your business!! the only family I have that I actually talk to are my mom and baby brother, my 'daddy' can go rot in hell while I throw peanuts at him and poke him with a stick. a sharp stick, a REALLY sharp stick

I studied at Dundee U in psychology and sociology, almoast got my B.A but you know, s**t happens

so far career wise, I've had a lot of jobs...tend to get fired for having a go at idiots though

but my passion lies in hair dressing. I do a lot of hair stuff, hell I even look after my hubby's dreadlocks, it's like a full time job

right now of course, im not working at the minute- hey! just moved here

so, if you think your a good enough guitaurist or drummer, hit us up!!!

my best feature has got to be my hair or my eyes

that's all ima say right now, im bored bye

hey i'm matt, 20 and living in the west midlands with my amazeing wife torrie 'heartbreakk' brett

um, I have dreadlocks, have for about 3 years now, covered in tattoo's got my lip pierced 3 times and yeah,
I wanna be a tattooist, but it's pretty hard to break into that business hah, though I've done 3 tattoo's on myself already and they always get complimented. as torrie said, don't wanna hear any slag talk from anyone. really not interested in the slightest. we're happily married and MONOGOMUS-don't know what that means-go get a dictionary bitch!
as torrie said, we're ready to start a new band, so drummers and guitaurists, hit us up ^_^ don't need a bass player or vocalists and sorry chicks, but guys only. torrie don't work with girls. at all. ever. even if you look or act like a dude. um, im my dad's carer full time, so don't have a lot of time to work other than that, though im trying to start our own family run business in a clotheing range ^_^ so any idea's on clothes you'd want but cant find anywhere, let us know and we'll see what we can do
right that's enough for now from me too haha