I am a very arty person and love to draw things, usually anime/cartoon type stuff

I love my music and love going to festivals and concerts, although i end up spending a fortune on shoes at festivals as i somehow manage to always lose them

Some of my favourite bands are Papa Roach, Skindred, Rob Zombie, Alterbridge etc...
I am a huge geek and play alot of video games and watch alot of films lol! Usually RPG or anything horror! Although it's super easy to get me to cry in nearly any film lol!
I have a wide varied taste in most things so don't really label myself as into any one particular thing.
I have an obsession with owls, werewolves, moustache things...not moustaches lol and sugarskulls >.<
I am addicted to mint aeros lol and dying my hair bright colours!
I probably party way too much...but who doesn't

Absolutely hate clowns, earwigs, ventriloquist dolls, things that crawl in movies...creepy! Well...i'm scared of alot of things lol the list will be huge if i carry on lol!
I can be very shy at first but once you get to know me you won't be able to shut me up lol!
If you would like my Skype or FaceBook just ask away

Well...i will leave it at that instead of rambling on lol!
Hope to hear from you soon >.< xox
PS I should say to people...i have a urmm liver failure...bare that in mind when messaging me...