Never normally do things like this. Thought I'd give it a try.
I like getting tattoos, although I've yet to get one I'm really proud of. I used to have two ear gauges, but one got pulled out. Thus I'm officially disfigured. Like the Phantom of the Opera or something.
I like cycling and going to the gym, and my idea of a perfect evening involves a sofa, pizza, and something on the telly that will make me choke with laughter. I'm not terribly exciting, but I do enjoy the odd evening out. Get me drunk enough, I may even dance.
I live right by the sea, in a small village surrounded by countryside and it's awesome. I love to explore and be outdoors.
I've been a vegetarian for a few years, and abhor factory farming or animal testing.
I'm a fair old nerd, I love comics and computer games. Luckily, that seems to have become 'cool' now, so I appear slightly less tragic than I used to. I'm a fountain of useless trivia, and I love trying to make people laugh.
Anything else you'd like to know, send me a message or something, I'd love to hear from you. I don't really know how to respond to winks, so a message would be lovely!