

63 - Straight

Podvelka 12, Slovenia

Feb 24, 2013 20:19

Greetings and my name is Vojko.Sem from Sovenije. Many such people in the world who need ljunezen. And who else is in the world who does not want to love. Especially such that is not conditional and is honest. I'm a man with a big heart I want to find another polovico.Verjemi in love through thick and thin. Love can help you to break through some of those disturbing moments during the day when I would rather flee away. Love will tell you that, somewhere waiting for me to expect this so immense love. And this thought, you will definitely come back smile on your face and happiness in your heart. All problems will be instantly disappeared like morning mist chase the sun žarki.Ljubezen us will be together, because both vanjo.Verjemi believe in love, because you love warms srce.Sem loving, gentle and sensual friendly. Trust in love, because you love warms the heart, stimulates the imagination and gives you the energy that you can conquer the greatest difficulties of his life. Believe in love through thick and thin. We're old enough to know that we need love!