

39 - Straight

New Jersey, United States

Jul 17, 2011 22:23

At first i figured i make a weird thing talking about who i am and what not. But instead i thought i write it when everything is flowing through my head. What i plan on getting out of this website is hopefully some good cool friends and/or someone who can maybe take this emptiness i feel in my heart and fill it with theirs. I am not a emo kid i am not a skye kid. I am just me. I do what i want when i want how i want. I am pretty much just a laid back easy going guy. If you ever been to a party and seen the slightly chubby guy who is loud and is the life of the party. Well, that ladies and gentleman is pretty much who i am. Yet, at the same time i can go from being FUBAR( f**kED UP BEYOND ALL RECOGNITION) to being a completely serious person. I live life one day at a day and i just want to find that someone who doesn't mind sitting in bed with me and smoking a J or something. I am not here to control you or make you change for me. I want to find someone who can accept that i want change her and she wont change me. I don't know im rambling again ima rewrite this again i know it lol. Also i own my own company called the zombie free world.
The zombie free world Decree Do you know who i am? i have become death the destroyer of the undead. I have consumed my lifes ambition into learning all of the devil's children. When mothers warn their children about that monsters that go bump in the night...I am that light that hope that gives all humanity a fighting chance. My being and my essense are no longer dedicated to the fruits of life. I am no one...i am like a soft whisper spoken into a noisey room. I walk this earth knowing that one day my true calling will be revealed to me. When children have nightmares i am like the words of a caring mother to calm her child down. My God has granted my the serentiy and the power to understand that i cannot change things that cannot be changed, He has given me the power to change the things that i can, and the wisdom to know the difference between good and evil...Better yet he has given me the power to know the INDIFFERENCE between good and evil. This world is control by the Undead and the Devil. They have made this world their playground to breed life from death to feed themselves. Cries of pain are music for their banquet. The human soul their tapestry. This is way My God has granted me the power to fight back. To be the light in a darkened room. To be the one who will win this earth back from the Devil and to defend the innocent and unaware. HE has given me the strength to be the destroyer of the undead and to vanquish evil from this world. This is way i have put all my soul and heart into being a Zombie Free World member...So that i can find the strength and training needed to answer my true calling.



Age: 36 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 31 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 41 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 33 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 44 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 35 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 28 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 34 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 29 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 19 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 34 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 30 / straight

New Jersey
United States