

30 - Bi

South Dakota, United States

May 30, 2013 19:49

Half of the people won't read this but I'll give it a shot. Hi. I'm Marissa. Friends call me Rissa, Rissy, Missa, Kevin, or Bertha. My life's been marked by cruelty and borderline abuse, but, as cliche as it sounds, it made me who I am today. I've grown to be a strong, independent woman who makes her own decisions. This whole nonconformist idea kind of worked its way into my life when I was about ten years old - the period where I was the most depressed. How does a ten year old become depressed? When she's completely alone, and everybody says only negative things about her. That was my life for years. Until one day I became sick of it. I learned how to stand up for myself, and became a much more aggressive person as to choose what steps I needed to take to prepare for the future. I enrolled in alternative schooling and was able to graduate in August of my senior year of high school. After that, I moved out of my parents house because I was sick of them lying to me constantly about small things because, hell, if they can straight on lie to my face about little things, what else could they be doing behind my back, right? Anyway, I ended up enrolling in community college right after my final day of high school. I also juggled three jobs at a time, which I continue to do. Honestly, there's so much about me, I could type for a week straight and I still won't have spilled my guts on this site. Just message me, I promse you won't regret it. (:


in chains

Age: 35 / bi

South Dakota
United States


Age: 29 / bi

South Dakota
United States


Age: 33 / straight

South Dakota
United States


Age: 38 / straight

South Dakota
United States


Age: 33 / bi

South Dakota
United States