My name is Alice* and I guess I have to share why I joined this site.
Well, to be honest, it is really hard to find people of like-mind or just an interesting mind, for that matter.
Someone intelligent, with a sense of humour, ambitious and a slight twist of a beautiful dark soul.
I am looking for stimulating company.
About me? Well these sections are somewhat annoying to fill out because how I see myself and how someone else will view me may very well be two different things. However, I will try to give you a few defining facts about me.
I recently relocated to Cape Town (2 Jan), I am 22 going on 23 in May and I am a courseware author. I write, writing is a passion and is a part of who I am. I believe I am intelligent, have a sense of humour, like trying new things and of course, part of the pool of differently wired people. I have always been (for lack of better wording) a child of the dark

The victorian / vampire style appeals to me and always has appealed to me since I was a little girl of about 4.
However, when I say vampire, I am talking about the classic hunter, not the sparkly overtly emotional types. Think Dracula and Anne Rice's vampires

My interests varies - I like many different things. From gaming (though I don't have the time anymore) , movies, reading, writing, music, nature, the paranormal, the occult, etc.
I am not religious, but I am spiritual. I am very intrigued by and interested in witchcraft and that which can not be explained.
I warn however, that I am emotionally detached. But, when I somehow manage (harder than is sounds, truly) to really start caring for someone it lasts. I don't wish to go into that, but I thought I'd warn you beforehand.
I am good at 'playing the social game', but most of the time "I" am somewhere deep inside my mind, just analyzing.
I can't stand a fake personality or over-emotional types , though in general I am extremely open-minded and never judge.
I like to have fun and try new things, and am in love with nature. Music is truly a central part of my life, and though I appreciated various types of music (like the old-school rock bands, classical, celtic, new age) my main love is for metal. Some old-school metal, gothic metal, symphonic metal, power metal, nu-metal.
I worked hard to be where I am in life, and am still working hard to get where I want to be. I'd appreciate if the person I am dealing with shares the same train of thought with regards to life and career.
I'd like someone who I can just enjoy hanging out with!
I guess that is a short summary to give you an idea of who I am - so feel free to message me if you feel like it. Oh, and I hate photos, so the one I have is just to put my profile "out there"...taken at work by a colleague. Metal lives on, even at work...yeaahhh \m/
See ya.