+I am 16 years of age. born on November 24, 1992
+I'm a high school drop out. Only got to my sophomore year.
+I am bisexual♥
+I gots an amazing best friend!♥ (her name is Victoria)
+I'm scared of bees. terribly frightened by bees D:
+I don't like big dogs. I ish afraid they will gobble me up >.<
+I don't like pancakes. I am a waffle lover♥
+I like dancing as if no one is watching
+I'm a bitch. but you'll love me ;D and if you don't, it's ok, didn't want to talk to you anyways♥
+I get bored very easily. entertain me(:
+I have depression problems. but I hide them with music and friends♥
+I used to cut. I found other ways to channel my depression and hurt(:
+I like chapstick. not the cherry kind tho. nasty. i like vanilla♥
+I like to text. If you have a phone, and want to text me, just ask!♥
+I also have msn, and aim. ask me for those too(:
talk to me♥
B E S T E S T F R I E N D S!: