Named Kayla, survived 21 years successfully. I am a reserved girl, who doesn't hold back. I am in your face and mild mannered. I am very well balanced. Words don't hurt me, they anger me. I like to use my big girl words, and sometimes people think it's annoying, but it's just my analytic brain. I know a lot of words. I am nowhere near as crazy as I think I am, so don't let me scare you away. I like people who aren't afraid to be themselves, but you MUST let me be the free-spirited, light-hearted, under-whelmingly feminine person that I am. I dig tattoos with meanings. I adore listening to the person that I like go into great detail about their passions. In fact, if you have passions that I can get on board with, you have my respect and probably my heart. In to politics, in love with science and writing. COULD NOT survive without music. Staring with ska and punk, industrial, angry 90'a chick music... I do not like almost any country, do not like current rap.
P.S. I'm only about 33% bi, I'm just not ruling out any possibilities.