

33 - Bi

Queensland, Australia

Feb 21, 2009 22:07

~Me and my bad self~
My name would be Kyrra-Louise.
I am 18 years young.
And yes before you ask i have a tattoo and i got it very young. And i couldnt be f**ked counting how many piercings i have.
I am happy and Energetic when it comes to talking.
No exercise for me.
My idol is Joey Jordison from Slipknot! Im going to rape him!
I am happy with my Family, Friends and my self image.

if i was to tell you i was sane,
i would be lying
If I was to tell you im just your average teenager
Id also be lying.
Im not normal in anyway
each day i have woken up too has altered my perception
my personality has more con's than pro's
i f**king hate everything and most of the time everyone
i want to axe myself in the head just to know what it feels like
I am still a kid at heart, i am still scared of the dark and I love cartoons
i would live off only ice cream and chocolate if i had the chance, there’s about a million words that i still can't pronounce properly.
I'm not perfect, i have more flaws then you could count on the stars,
but chances are i have a bigger heart than you do,
and my dreams are just as big.
I'm an aggressive pushover.
I'll devote an entire week to you of all my attention & feel nothing of it.
I'll expect you not to feel sorry for me & go rank if you do.
I'll change from a mood to mood & confuse you.
I'll hate what you do but won't hold it against you & I will get over it.
I'll forget who you are & meet you again each time I'm wake up.
I'll feel uneasy & play along just to keep you comfortable for the moment.
Then through it all back in your face and laugh.
You'll hate me for doing what I think is right.
Because most of the time is always the wrong thing to do.
I'll relate the feeling you give me to a reoccurring event just to make me stop for moment & remember when you helped me, changed me, f**ked me over.
I'll freak out & won't tell anyone I cried that night.
I'll stay home & tell everyone I'm sick when I'm really dreaming about you.
I will not change something about my appearance to represent your indent underneath my physical self.
You may think I don't or didn't care about you.
Believe what you wish, but do know this; everyone who has ever made me smile, cry, laugh, or even raise my f**king eyebrows- you've shaped me into who I am, whether you like me or not? I'm not sure if I really care.
A million gazillion trillion thoughts run through my head each day & chances are, you're in one of them. But chances are I don’t care.
Chances are ill forget about you if you make one mistake.
Just so you know.........
I am very much addicted to the word [RAD], I dont know why, but one day it got stuck to my Tongue and now it wont come off. That addiction just sits on my bedside along with my many others.
I can not live without my cell or computer.
That s**t just isn't kewl.
I can be a very jealous person when it comes to my family, friends and loved ones. That is only because i have been damaged so many times in the past and when you cant live without these people, they become very difficult to share because of the fear of living one day without them.

I have come to realise that no matter how hard you try to be perfect, people will still find something to disagree with and someway of hurting you. So I will know longer try, if you want me, come and get me, you chase me for once, you rip your heart out trying for me, then ill decided whether what you have done is good enough.

Ok so my progression in life is going a million miles an hour and at some stages i dont even no what the hell is going on. So dont tell me im not going anywhere cause if i was going then why the f**k can't i keep up?

Im am outgoing but also shy in certain situations.
I will know longer hold myself back in fear of loosing anyone if your worth holding onto then you will stay know matter what. The ones that have stayed by my side all the way through are the ones i plan on keeping locked up in my handbang. I will not be told what to do or be told not to say something because what ever comes off my tounge is what i want to say and im not saying things to impress you or anyone else.

I’m very critical of others because of the way i have been criticized - whole life, based on the colour i choose to wear or how many piercings i have. So to those who have seen the bad side of me i say it is not my fault, it is never my fault!

I am not one of those girlies that goes on about how ugly i am, because i no i am not ugly. Im not saying im BEAUTIFUL but i sure as hell no im not ugly, so im not going to waste your time and mine going on about poor hard done by me i put on 3 grams today woopdie f**king doo!

Music is most definately my life. I have very odd ways of describing what mood i am in and music seems to be the best solution to everything. My way of understanding things and getting to know people is through music. Its kind of odd but thats just how i roll.
I play piano and sing and enjoy both very much.
I choose my songs based on the lyrics not on the top 20 artists unlike most of this world.

In a relationship I dont believe that the word [love] should be Thrown around like the word [I] is used in a relationship. It has so much more meaning and brilliance to it then what people make it out to.

Yes i can be a bitch but that is just me. I am going to tell you when you look like s**t, smell like s**t and when your pissing me off. Its your decision what you do after that, but i will just put my two bits worth in it.
Im not a fighter but i do get angry very easy and when im angry, fighting doesn't seem to help the situation but it sure as hell makes me feel better. I dont mean to be a bitch, i was just born this way. I cant change who or what im ment to me.

There is four people in this world that no matter what happens you touch them in anyway shape or form i will break your face!
Rebecca, Erin, Father && Deakin.

I dont like little emo f**ks who go around getting piercings because [Its kool!] or doing the whole scene s**t. I hate the word emo and goth and if you call me either i will most definately stab you! Scene.. well It pisses me off and i just want to stab them in the face head. Grr. Emo f**kers!
Wait to all you reading this do you class yourself goth, emo or scene?? If you do then i think you have "SOME SERIOUS f**kING DAMAGE!" Who the hell would really put themselfs in a petty little school kids category just because you wear black or choose to dress in whats classed as goth or emo??!! Wake up f**kTard! We are all equal and every life is valued the same so why go around putting yourself in a category when its not needed. Dress how you want, say what you want and get stabbed as many times as you want but just dont call youself those names because it is only bringing yourself down.

I hate people that say they love someone when they have known them for a big five mins of there life!
Well i could go on for days about what i hate so yeah just comment me and say hello. Not if your Emo/scene in that case you should just shoot yourself in the face. Bahaha f**k im rad!



Age: 40 / straight



Age: 19 / straight



Age: 32 / bi



Age: 32 / straight



Age: 34 / straight



Age: 20 / bi



Age: 33 / straight
