Though 'Scream For My Ice Cream' is f**king hilarious when you've been drinking.
Hi there, my name is Emma

I'm 18, about 5ft 4, and quite crazy o.o
I'm friendly enough, kinda shy, and I can get overly-emotional, but that's not really my fault, please don't hold that against me.
I'm kind of awkward, I make stupid jokes and laugh a little too much when nervous, and I bite my lip a lot.
I'd like to meet a nice guy, emo-ish perhaps, small and skinny like me. Larger guys kinda scare me a little, not their fault though.
I just wanna feel cared for, to be respected and treated nicely, to feel loved.
I don't like shouting, or being grabbed when I don't want to be touched.
I love music, I love to sing. I sing opera, which makes me happy, I love it.
I also love to write, I've done so since I was 8.
I may be weird, but give me a chance, I'm nice, I don't like hurting people, and I just wanna look after others.
Also, if you have the time, please be kind and Like the page I admin on Facebook?
It's just a meme page, I'd like to make people smile, or even better: laugh. So, help me out? x
This is my Twitter account, I use my Pagan name on it which is why it's rather odd:
And here is a link to my first ever recorded song on Le Youtubes: