

40 - Straight

Gravesend, United Kingdom

Apr 25, 2009 08:00

Ok, im 6ft, into all sort's of music, and i mean all sorts, mostly heavy rock and death metel. but also like a bit of classical rock Battle music (opera used in films for fights) and a bit of opera its self, im single live in northfleet and dont get out much, i work in asda and have a beautiful little girl called tiffany who is currently 2.

im quite strange, i can be really out going, or very secluded, i enjoy being on my own and then some times really hate it. as u can see i never know what i want. i'm a dedicated m8 and if i befriend u, we're friends for life, where most people say look and for number 1, and thats u, i say bulls**t, i like to look after the people around me, coz with out them, im nothing