

34 - Straight

Michigan, United States

Oct 19, 2012 03:02

first off i won't date a man that is 9 or 10 years older than i am i won't date a man over the age of 24. I am very spiritual i am really in to Chakra, spirits, auras, psychic abilities i have a sixth sense it isn't that strong i am working on it through meditation. i am told that i am a medium and that is why spirits come to me. but putting that aside i have some faith i DO believe in god i sometimes do get upset and kinda say things i don't really truly believe in my heart such as god isn't real if he was my life wouldn't be this way. but i do believe i have crosses and a bible in my room and i love angels i have angels in my room as well. i get angry when others bash on god it really makes me mad. i love anime i don't watch it constantly like an otaku but i do watch it every now and then and i love to read the manga for people that don't know it is Japanese comics but they are translated to English i do not speak or read Japanese.I love all animals except one alpacas............ i went to a special school and they sent me to a farm to do work and help those animals and all they did was spit on me. -_- and try an kick me. i have a baby rat her name is Chloe she's very sweet. i play video games every now and then i own an Xbox, Nintendo Ds light, game boy advance, play station 2 i have another system i can't think of it right now. i'm funny i'm very nice i love i'm compassionate i may not show it to often but i can really sense a persons emotions if they are strong and i do feel the need to cry. i love concerts i go to a lot i really don't have many friends so i usually go alone. I can't really see my grandma going to a metal concert with me. i am very excepting but i won't date outside my race but i am willing to be your friend. i am a good friend i am the type that will defend you no matter what. but even though i care so much for others it is still very hard for me to make friends or a boyfriend. i have one lip ring i want to get another so that i can have snake bites. no i am not preppy with long flowing blond hair that always wears pink and tells every one that there not as good as me. but i am a very nice person. i like to wear a lot of black and darker colors every now and then i'll wear color. but mostly black and grey i have natural red hair and my cousin dyes it black for me. I like kids but i don't think i could be a good mom cause i really don't know how to talk to young children or take care of them. it would really be nice if you could give me a chance.



Age: 20 / bi

United States


Age: 23 / bi

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Age: 24 / gay

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Age: 24 / bi

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Age: 27 / bi

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Age: 29 / bi

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Age: 28 / gay

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Age: 21 / bi

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Age: 19 / bi

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Age: 19 / bi

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Age: 21 / straight

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Age: 25 / bi

United States