im 21 and im currently involved with an awesome guy!! but that doesnt mean we arent looking

im 4'11 (yes i know, VERY SHORT) and around 100 lbs, so yes, im teeny tiny. i can be a bit difficult to be around, since i have aspergers (ask if you wanna knwo what that is) but im a fun person and once i get over being shy ill be your best friend! my fiance is 22 and spanish is his first language but hes excellent at english. hes a funny guy, always joking around and very goal oriented! we're seeking some casual s*x, me him and another female. SO NO GUYS ALRIGHT?? im not looking for another male in my bed. ive always had this fantasy of being with another female but havent been able to fulfill it and hes very happy to let me bring another girl into our bed. interested?
were open to IM, Gtalk, MSN, Skype, yahoo. i like to talk lol
oh! i might be skinny, but i still have curves ;D !!