"You'll never shine if you don't glow"
Wewl hai gaizz. I'm Pimpy :3
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I'm Amaxophobic.
☆ ★My name is Amberlee. Born and raised in Austin, Texas☆★
I like to dye my hair [all the time] ◠‿◠
When I'm mad I stab blocks of cheese :3
I wish I could have a pet zombie. I tried once, and let's just say I "took care of it"
I have an adorable kitty named Cyanide. ♥
Jager makes me happyyyy.
I have similar beliefs to Buddhism. ♋
I have horrible social anxiety. That or I just don't really care about 99.9% of conversations these days. I think it may be a bit of both though.
And I'm kind of OCD. [justalittlebitthough
I am constantly saying: s**t;f**k;c**t;******;bitch;asshole;hoe;skank;dammit... but don't take it too personally
I've decided that my catch phrase will be "Dance like it won't get posted on youtube"