I spend a lot of time on a site with a forum dedicated to helping people suffering with drug addiction, ranging from alcohol to many hard street drugs and RCs( Research chemicals), and also people suffering with mental issues, ranging from depression to suicide, autism, PTSD, or any other damages caused from drug abuse. Watching my friend destroy her life with drugs inspired me to be a moderator on there and the differences I've made in peoples' lives really makes me happy

Im not sure what to spiritually believe in. I don't think religion is correct, but I believe it has moral benefits. I guess I believe in a higher power, but I don't see it as a higher being, but rather just an entity or power greater than us. I see the depiction of a "god" in religion as incorrect, but hey what do I know?
I'm very humble, but I do vouch for my intelligence and maturity. Hell if you just want to send Me a PM and have an intelligent conversation or just share ideas then go for it. It can be ANYTHING, just feel free to share your ideas with me, even if I think they're completely stupid I'll still listen and respect them :3 If you give me a chance I really think that you'll like me
I can't stand prejudice and I make daily efforts to pull myself away from it, even though I know that I am still guilty of it at times. So I urge all of you to do the same.
So I guess that's all I have on my mind. I just wanted to let everyone know who I am. I'm excited to meet more of you and Im excited to see where life is going to take me in the future. I've overcome depression, suicide, and many other things I don't want to list right now, but I'm glad I've experienced my demons and personal hells. Everyday is just a new journey.
You play WoW or LoL? Message me your details