Most people can't handle me, so I'm going to attempt to share everything that you need to know. I'm a tomboy, but can be girly at times. I am socially awkward and freak myself out over most social situations, so getting to know me can be difficult. I tend to open up faster if I feel like you would be able to relate to me. I have a disgusting sense of humor. I don't get along with women, so most of my closest friends are men. I'm pretty laid-back and hate drama. I am a proud crazy cat lady. They are like my kids, and my mate will need to like them. I have depression, anxiety, PTSD, and BPD. That makes me sound pretty insane, but all of them are pretty well under control. I'm very calm and positive compared to most people I know. I love helping people and am constantly giving my friends advice. I am going to school for psychology and my goal is to become an experimental psychologist or clinical psychologist. I haven't decided which I would enjoy more yet. I am a vegetarian, and that scares most guys, but I don't preach or try to talk people into becoming vegetarians. I don't care what your beliefs and opinions are as long as they are not hurting me, my family and friends, or my cats. I think that's about it. I'll add more to this if I think of more.