

37 - Straight

West Pomerania 53.67N 15.11E, Poland

Jan 3, 2025 19:17

Hello there!

Just to be perfectly clear:
I'm not some scary demon here to take your soul (just in case you were wandering). So don't worry about it, even if it sounds like that might be the case.

I'm just your regular, big and friendly future ruler of Hell - or at least sulfur hot springs spa resort proprietor, will see how it turns out.

I haven't lived in a dungeon for about 40 years now, so please be gentle with me if you're one of those fancy clowns that brandish **** gear without actually ever tasting that beautiful agony. I'll call your bluff, and see to your proper education about that PITA.

If I don't respond here, look me up on what you people call insta: "skybl eu"

BTW, if you know any of following people, please don't mention seeing me here to them. Or even hearing about me, if they ask - we go waay back, and not in a good way. Maybe I'll tell you more some time. If you can ask in a... proper manner.

Mordimer Madderin (lazy worker)
Lestat de Lioncourt (likely emotional vampire)
Jakub Wędrowycz (hates dogs)
Victor Saltzpyre (just plain ugly)
Lucy Morningstar (likes to wear black feathers and sheds them everywhere)
Emma-O (has lovely voice but speaks gibberish)
Loki Odinson (warlords family)
Cthulhu Macula (really cold, but solid friend of Pluto)
Percival Schuttenbach (I don't mean the band)
Adrian Fahrenheit Țepeș (AKA Alucard the Drama Queen)
and nosy wolf-furry people call Geralt the Albino Witch (or sth similar)