Looking for artsy and kind friends, long term dating, and possibly short term dating.
I am a bubbly, adventurous, fun-loving person. I engage in critical thought a lot. I am constantly attempting to fully outline current issues as well as deep topics, such as how fuel and healthy connections support motivation and critical thought. Through this focus we can engage in compassion and self-awareness, overcoming bias, doubt, and bad habits of emotional response, thought, and action. I am constantly racking my brain about outkining a definitive approach to personal growth and understanding the mind.
I do not smoke, drink, or do drugs. I have in the past, but I want to keep my body healthy. I am completely off of substances, specifically cannabis/hemp, tobacco, and alcohol, I intend to keep it that way. I have used heavier substances, but never habitually, mostly research chemicals and LSD, but others like cocaine and molly too, on two occasions each.
I also used to be heavy into fitness and nutrition, and now not as much, but I still am engaged in living an active and food-concious life.
I enjoy spending my time exercising, making music, as well as writing a book on natural and social sciences. It covers how topics like telepathy, charging crystals, a spiritual world, the biological effects of colors, sounds, and words, trying to synchronize metaphysics to biology, chemistry, and physics and then synchronizing philosophy to biological psychology. It's goal is to clarify misnomers in physics and new age spiritual topics as well as guide people towards effective terminology regarding their qualities, mind, and personal growth. I've been working on it since 2018.
I was an atheist for nine years, but now I am open to the possibility of spiritual activity, much like an agnostic.
I am a DIY music artist. I have music out on all platforms, so if you want to hear it let me know and I will let you know the name it's under. It's hard to describe. My biggest influence is Kill Hannah.
I have dreads and I dress in a preppy-scene kind of way. I don't dye my hair or put on makeup. I have painted my nails a couple times and I still like that look, though.
I am 6"3 and 165lbs. I am cis-het. I am a progressive.