

37 - Bi

North Holland, Netherlands

Dec 19, 2024 11:31

Hiya all!

As the text was a bit long, I decided to update it,,,
it didn't really become shorter though... *rolls eyes*

(And as I forgot, a quick adding: looking here for new friendships, souls with mutual interests, weirdo's and outcasts, interesting people and stories, and who knows...?)

Okay, so... here's me:
I'm 36 (physically), single mom via donor...
My son's amazing and sometimes amazingly deadly for my state of mind...
(and energy... but aren't they all?!) Doesn't make him any less amazing!!!
Sometimes people think us siblings... Don't ask... apparently I can be quite bratty at times...
*gives innocent eyes*

(And my son, who stood on having a piece of text about him here as well...)
My son loves swordfighting & archery and would love some serious lessons on the matter...
He is very technically interested and dreams of building a hand driven backyard roller coaster...
(any volunteers on the matter? feel free to let us know!)
I'm willing to help him out myself, but first looking for a place somewhat more spacious to make it actually possible... My son will turn 8 coming spring... Is smart, unique and proud to be himself. He has long hair and saving up to get it even longer... He loves kilts, tunics and male dresses & skirts from time to time...
Like said, he is special and my precious one.
Lately he's been expressing, more and more, the desire to find someone to be a part of our family...
He understands English fluently, and used to speak it fulltime until school started blackmailing...
But it's not forgotten, no worries.

I am fluent in English as well as Dutch... I'd love to learn other languages...
I don't mind taking the stage for some free-dancing, or taking to walking stilts, or a balance bar...
But at the same time am just as happy assisting others when so desired on said matters...

I have a serious thing for long hair and fangs...
am bi as well as a teensy bit poly...

Unvaxxed (sure, did get them as a babe and small child, not my choice!
my son is completely Vaxx-free!!! as are my cats!!!)
So, yeah, we share our home and lives with some pawsome cats...
They aren't pets, they're family, familiars, and so much more!

I love nature, music, mysticism, spirituality and all things magical...
Going astral when granted as well as working on past lifetimes...
Going to gothic and fantasy festivals with my son and whoever is in for it! (feel free to join!)
And I dig mermaid swimming... You into fishies? *smirks*

Did I mention I'm happily insane, most of the time...?
I'm part-time spirit worker, and wishing to someday continue my studies on this matter...
But still learning every day - and night... *smiles*

I'd love to someday leave society behind and built a home amidst nature,
away from government rules and everything...
Back to basics, off-grid, etc...

I don't have a smartphone, and I don't want one either! *grins*
Nice 'n easy, right?

I also don't have a driver's license (nor car) by choice...
We go everywhere bicycling or walking (dig long forest/nature walks!!)..
When it's too far, there's always Public Transport and a good excuse to enrichen ones vocabulary, when ditched by said PT.

I like cooking and baking conscious and yummy delights...
I have somee allergies like pork, cow's dairy, wheat and yeast...
Which give extra dimensions to the challenge of creating yummy specialties,
and helped me become more conscious, and guard some of my wards...
(on food matters at least)

I'd like to become a swim-teacher and help kids and 'older' kids
to learn and enjoy the wonder of swimming, in a safe and joyful way...
... and on the matter of fishies...
I'd love to someday build a lifelike silicone tail, to be a 'real' mermaid...

I love spreading magick... in many, many ways...

I don't smoke and prefer not to drink alc's...
There's better things in life, I swear!!! pinky-promise? *mischievous grin*

(and on the matter of Mead... ever heard of pixie-dust mead? it's alc-free, and quite yummilicious)

If intrigued, or whatever, you're free to send a message...
I can bite, but prefer to be the one receiving on that matter...