Insta: Burntfriesinthemicrowave (it's public for anyone interested in how i look) My name is Kater
how come such a goodlooking baddie like you stumbled in my humble description?
well, now that you are here-
how about a little date? Like a chill nightwalk maybe?
or how about we get comfy and watch a horror movie?
even if you simply need someone to talk to or simply to listen, i'm your guy.
i love learning new things so whenever you want to ramble about something, do it.
If you ever want to jam or learn any instrument (guitar), you're perfect here.
i heard owning a dog helps you get the ladies so i moved into a punk-house
i dont really know what to put here that could give you a good conversationstarter so dont be ashamed to start by talking about yourself
looking for everything from friendships up to relationships or if wanted even just need-oriented relationships