

30 - Straight

Michigan, United States

Sep 16, 2024 18:51

What's there to say? A lot, since unlike dating apps, I can write as much as I want. Match Group should be broken up.

I'm on this site since it can be hard to find others with such a passion for metal and art in general. It's largely what makes life worth living to me.

I'm open to long distance and changing locations for the right person. I think it's best to keep an open mind and embrace change, since the end result could be the best thing to ever happen,

I’m probably “slightly unhinged” to most but I view that as a positive. I can be intense when it comes to the stuff that brings me joy.

I of course have a passion for metal music. Not only for the catharsis, immense talent and often interesting lyrics and imagery. But also the community it fosters. There’s not a more impassioned group of fans out there.

I mostly listen to Black Metal, Death Metal, Power Metal, Blackened Death and Thrash, but love all subgenres.

I’m also a horror and schlock fanatic. I celebrate Halloween year-round. I love horror and “so bad they’re good” movies. Some of the worst movies ever made are the most entertaining, since they’re harder to predict. And often, the most artistic messages are only possible through a smaller budget and guerrilla filmmaking.

Speaking of metal and horror, I’m an avid collector of physical media. I prefer physically owning art that cannot be removed digitally, but rather only from my dead body. Unfortunately, many of my favorite albums and movies are not available on any streaming service, and must be purchased physically. I’m proud to have a large collection that’s like spending time in a video or record store.

I’m an early riser and try to wake up at 4:30am most days of the week. I love endurance exercise and cardio sessions early in the morning while listening to my favorite albums to clear my head and relax. There’s no better way to start the day for me. It also helps when not many people are out and about.

I’m not a misanthrope, but humanity can test one’s patience. At the same time, humanity makes it easy to be a humanitarian.

Politically, I’m liberal. I don’t care for conservatives. They’re “weird” and not in a good way.

I’m an atheist, and religion is a dealbreaker. I’m not spiritual. I enjoy life as much as possible every day while minimizing the unpleasant parts. Eternity is a scarier concept than death to me. I hope there is not a life after death, but I’m thankful to experience the absurdities of life.

I’ve excelled at my career and am a recovering workaholic. I only work hard so I can try to retire at as young of an age as possible. My career used to define me, but I have vowed to never allow that to happen again, because that is not the kind of life I want to live. I wasted too many years living that way.

I’m big on video games and board games. I think DOOM is the greatest video game series ever. DOOM 64 is my favorite game of all time. Chess will always be timeless.

I'll eat just about anything. I love anchovies on pizza, spreading Marmite on toast, and dipping french fries in mayonnaise. I also love eating insects, especially black ants mixed in Greek yogurt.

Ultimately, I’m looking for a genuine connection and someone unapologetically themselves. The more “eccentric” you are, the more you’ve won me over. I hope to find a lifelong companion and best friend. A partnership built on mutual respect with plenty of banter and heartfelt chats.

I'm a realist but believe through pragmatism, compromise and clear communication, that it's possible for a relationship to add value to both parties' lives.

If you’re interested after reading all that, I’d love to hear from you.



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